Saturday, July 16, 2016

Бээжин явах аялалын төлөвлөгөө - Plan to Beijing, China

I am planning to go to China to get a visa application. From Mongolia to Beijing, China is a straight forward.

I bought a train ticket from which costs around 90 USD. Train goes on Thursday and Saturday and will arrive at Beijing in a next day around 11 A.M. This is the most comfortable option within the cheaper selection :-).

There are also another cheaper option is available. You can purchase local train ticket from Ulaanbaatar to Zamiin-Uud (bordering state of Mongolia with Erlian, China) which costs approx not more than 16 USD. From Zamiin-Uud, you should take a border crossing vehicles which costs 100 CNY per person which is around 15 USD, but if you are foreigner, you have to bargain a little. From Erlian to Beijing, you can take either bus or a mini van or a taxi which will cost around 250-300 CNY which is around 45USD. So, if you like an adventure, then you can take this long road. :-) But this is approximately same with the direct train journey and no hustles.

For a time being, I have no idea how to go back from Beijing, China to Ulaanbaatar. Maybe, I will take a local Chinese train from Beijing to Erlian which is around 150-200 CNY, or I will take a night bus to Erlian which is around 250-300 CNY.

Personally, I think train is the best and safest option to travel, because of the highway, bus drivers tend to over speed and there are many bad mouths regarding the bus journey.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Гэртээ харих зам - Way back to home


Гэртээ харих зам мөн ч их адал явдлаар дүүрэн байлаа. Бас хальт мульт Орос хэл 10 жилдээ үзэж байсан болохоор түүнийгээ ашиглаад л явж өглөө дөө.

Будапештээс Москвагын Внуково онгоцны буудал орох аялал ч яахав асуудалгүй, 3 цаг нисээд л буучихлаа. Харин Внуковогоос Домодедово онгоцны буудал орох дээр бага зэрэг цаг зарцуулав. Уг нь Airport Express гээд хурдан галт тэргээр 1 цаг гаруй яваад очих боломж байсан ч, оюутан хүн болсон хойно 2 дахин хямд үнэтэйгээр нь 2 цаг гаруй яваад очдог 2 дахин хямд маршрут болох 200 рублын автобус, метро хольсон маршрутыг нь сонгож орхилоо.

Внуково онгоцны буудлаас гараад, шууд Airport Express-н байшинг өнгөрөөд үндсэн машины зам гармагц автобусны буудал алхах зайнд байгаа. Тэр автобусны буудлаас 611 гэсэн автобусанд суугаад Саларьево гэсэн метроны буудал дээр буув. Бас нилээн хэдэн буудал явж байж хүрсэн. Бүх хүн автобуснаас буусныг бодоход эцсийн буудал байсан бололтой. Тэндээс Метро 1т суугаад Парк Культуры гэдэг буудал дээр буугаад метрогоо Метро 5 руу солив. Метро 5д суугаад Павелецкая буудал дээр бууж метрогоо Метро 2 руу сольж Домодедовская метроны буудал дээр буув. Метроны буудлаас гараад 308 гээд Домодедово нисэх буудал гээд бичсэн зөндөө автобуснууд байв. Тэрэнд 100 рубль төлөөд 25 минут яваад л онгоцны буудлын гадаа буув.

Нийт автобус, метронд зарцуулсан үнэ: 200 рубль

Домодедово дээр 6 цаг гаруй хүлээгээд Улаан-Үүд рүү нисэх онгоцондоо суугаад л 6 цаг орчим нисээд Улаан-Үүд дээр буулаа. Хотын төв рүү таксигаар 400 рубль төлөөд явлаа.

Будапештээс гарахдаа Улаан-Үүдийн Монголчууд гэсэн ФБ хаягнаас УБ руу явдаг жолооч ахтай холбоо тогтоож чадсан тул Улаан-Үүдэд байсан хугацаа маань асуудалгүй өнгөрлөө.


The way back to home had a full of adventures. I was studying Russian language during my high school and I "kinda" speak Russian, which was very useful during the whole trip.

There was no trouble going from Budapest to Moscow Vnukovo airport, almost took 3 hours flight straight. The adventure starts from the Vnukovo airport. Actually, there is a cheap option to go Domodedovo Airport which is using Airport Express and it will took around 1 hour to go there. Unfortunately, I chose student way, which is 2 times slower and 2 times cheaper.

When you step outside from the Vnukovo airport, you should pass Airport Express metro station building and cross the car highway, near to the opposite side of highway, there is a bus station. Take bus 611 till "Salarievo metro station" bus station. Unfortunately, all bus station is in Cyrillic. All people were getting down from the bus, so I assume it was a last stop. The you will take Metro line 1 till Park Kultury  and change it to Metro line 5. In metro line 5, get down at Pavletsgay metro station and change it into Metro line 2 and get down at Domodedovskay metro station. When you step outside from the metro station, there are small van and buses which has a Domodedovo airport and number 308 and trip will last around 25 minutes. You have to pay for the big bus 100 RUB and small van 125-130 RUB.

Total spending on the travel: 200 RUB and total travel time is 1.5 hours.

I waited 6 hours at Domodedovo airport and took a flight to Ulan-Ude. The flight took around 6 hours and at local time 7:20 AM, I landed in Ulan-Ude. From airport to city center costs 400 RUB if you bargain with the taxi driver.

When I was leaving from the Budapest, I joined Facebook group named "Mongolians in Ulan-Ude" and found a driver. He helped me a lot during my stay in Ulan-Ude, so my stay in Ulan-Ude was very pleasent.

I will add another post which contains my adventure and troubles faced during this trip.