Friday, January 9, 2015

IELTS exam questions 10th January 2015

Hello guys,

I've just come to know questions of IELTS exam today. I'm from Mongolia GMT +8.

Speaking task:

Part 1: Central, farm, banana(s), back, town
Part 2 mostly multiple choice, the first person is related to TV program, another is 25 years, another successful book, another I forgot (these are for questions 17 to 20). They change the course because of short term,
Part 3: two people talking about their courses, I believe the first question is B, they all agree that there are a lot of work, they are unsure about how to register
Part 4: culture, rubbish, carbon, air, that's all I remember

Writing task:
Task 1 - Bar chart

Task 2 - Leaders n directors in an organization are normally older ppl. Some ppl think younger leader would be better. Do u agree or disagree.

Reading task:

Task 1 - Something about island
Task 2 - Don't remember
Task 3 - Something related to what scientists said

I will post other questions when i got more information.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What to do one day before IELTS exam?

It's scary when days are getting nearer... Most of us got panic attack. Especially me. I had worried for 4 days before IELTS exam. And when the day comes I was more scared than ever. I asked my mother to do some fortune telling using her special stones. She told me not to worry and you will get more than 6.5. And yes I got 7.

My advice is:
  1. Prepare all your documents a night before your exam and put somewhere you will not forget.
  2. Get up early because you need to be there 1.30 hour advance. Which implies sleep early.
  3. Have a proper breakfast to increase your motivation.
  4. Buy some dark chocolate in case you are developing panic and eat it before entering exam. Dark chocolate boosts your brain. :-D
  5. Don't drink water or juice right before exam. Because your bladder get full and you want to go bathroom middle of the exam.
  6. Check from recent IELTS questions. Sometimes, if you are lucky then you may find exam materials due to time difference. But remember, Asian and European IELTS exam questions are different.
  7. Familiarize with the question and answers of IELTS. If you suppose to answer Yes, No, Not Given, then write exact words, not short version of it. And do not get confused with Yes No Not Given question with True False Not Given question.
And don't worry about what will happen. You will be alright.Hundreds of people are giving with you at the same time and they all feel same like you.

Wish you good luck for those who are giving on 10th January 2015.